"The Divine Human"
John C. Robinson is a clinical psychologist with a second doctorate in ministry, an ordained interfaith minister, conference and workshop...

"The Emergence of the World Teacher and the Promise of the Future"
Dick Larson is a counselor with a background in education, business, and communication. In addition to being a guest on radio talk shows...

"Transformational Catalyst"
Terry says, "Why when we set a goal, why can't we just achieve it? How to change your inner critic permanently into your INNER Coach! Why...

"Enlightenment: 7 States of Consciousness"
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi introduced Transcendental Meditation to the West. Through his own deep experience of the finest values of life and...

"Our Spiritual Awakening and Journey of Enlightenment"
Corey Sheikh, a 25 year old young spiritual visionary entrepreneur, leading a movement of individuals going through their process of...

"Medium With A Twist"
In 1979, while Jeannie Whyte was guided to develop her psychic and intuitive gifts, she located her spiritual mentors. After learning...

"Turn Your Struggles Into Strengths"
Lisa has been studying spiritual empowerment and the life transformation process for over 18 years and has a passion for helping people....

"BE the Beings of ONENES and LOVE"
Patricia is co-founder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, which sponsors the...

"Creating Sacred Space In Today's Crazy, Insane World"
Hillary, founder of Love, Breathe for Earth, is a well known psychic medium, ordained nondenominational minister, master Reiki healer...

"Twin Flames & Soul Mates"
Show Title: "Twin-Flames and Soul Mates.” “It seems like with so many people shifting in consciousness, they are now energetically...