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Phillip L. Mensi 

An incredible book that took me on Keith's journey with God. With an open mind this book helped me drop closed definitions of God and start a path towards real truth. He had some extremely interesting things happen and literally talked to his maker. What did God say? What did Keith learn? Can I talk to God? Read the book and find out.


Truth seeker

I believe Higher Power puts all things in our path at just the right time, as happened with this book, "The Divine Principle." Another light along the path in my own journey of enlightenment and soul progression! His experience will enrich the life of any seeker - especially when so many are starved for interior spiritual nourishment. Akin to Conversations With God, Keith tell his story about Vocation, about ones Calling and the depth of response to it. 


Judy Nix"

"The Divine Principle: Anchoring Heaven On Earth," MORE than an Incredible Read! The Truth which lies in it's pages, is a Gateway, a Starship Inner Surprise! As far back as I can remember, it felt like things were not always as it seemed. I believed certain things but wondered about a whole lot more. I've frequently experienced insightful feelings and supernatural occurrences that left me feeling they were pieces of a Huge jigsaw puzzle, and I had this ever increasing desire to see the BIGGER picture. "The Divine Principle," helps me to realize/discover just that. The Bigger Picture! Truth, in all It's Glory!

I'll admit, due to religious upbringing, or whatever, I stayed close to my box, when I first surfed through it's pages to get an idea of the contents. But choosing to keep an open heart, not only did it's contents resonated with my Inner Most Self, but helped bring clarity to many experiences I've had over the years. "The Divine Principle: Anchoring Heaven on Earth," became the beginning of my Amazing ongoing Journey. It Empowers me to take the necessary steps of Discovery of my true Divine self! I invite you to taste the Incredibleness of Keith Blanchard's God-Inspired, "The Divine Principle: Anchoring Heaven On Earth," for yourself, and I promise, as you walk in the Divine Principles, you'll be on your own Magnificent Journey of Self discovery. You'll go beyond belief and Know how to Create your own Divine Life, in the here and now! Namaste'


Keith's credo: "Why choose to believe when you can know!"


Dr. Rita Louise 

Take a higher perspective as you look at your life. Keith Blanchard brings through messages from the Divine that can teach us all a lesson or two. What is the nature of reality? Why do we experience adversity in our lives? How do we live in the moment and experience the power and movement of the Divine in our lives? These are just a few of the questions answered in "The Divine Principle."

Educational and informative, "The Divine Principle" helps you step out of the duality of life and reconnect with the Divine, the source of flow, wonder and inspiration that can be part of each of our lives. One thing that I really enjoyed about Keith's book is his sense of humor, down-to-earth and almost unwitting participation in the whole process of opening up. The book leaves you with the feeling that you are part of the process of change and revelation right alongside Keith. "The Divine Principle" is right up there with Conversations with God or the Celestine Prophecy. A must read book!


Jeanne S.

Do What You Love is powerful and profound and will continue to bring about positive change in this world.


Pam Bergeron

I love Do What You Love! Thank you for helping me!


Brook Bourg - College Student

I just finished your course today. The course a and your thoughts are both amazing. My mom has always talked good about you and I can see why. I wanted to say thank you. I’d love to meet you someday!


Phil Mensi - Electrician

Keith Blanchard’s book, "The Divine Principle" and his course, changed everything for me. It was the doorway and inspiration that made me question everything. Reading it, I learned that anything is possible and that I need to stop defining things and what I see as reality. His journey changed him and reading it changed me. I had an open mind to what happened to him and now, I can hear, see, feel and experience the Fullest Potential in everything!


Kelly Green - Business Owner​

"The Divine Principle" and the Do What You Love FOREVER Course is AMAZING! It put everything into perspective for me.

Even before finishing it, I’ve noticed  a peace, love and balance in my life that I had never experienced before.

It opened my eyes to the potential that is my life! Living the course  has truly been a blessing. I thank Keith for taking the time to create this wonderful work. I suggest that everyone takes the time to engage in it. It will anchor Heaven here on Earth for you and truly change your life!


Tina Priestas - Realtor

If one is willing to step out of the flesh and into the Spirit then one will grow as the words jump off these pages and into your soul!

This journey is of love. Thank you, Keith, for allowing me to walk  this experience with you!


Kevin Bennett - JD Overseer of The Exponential Group

I think Keith Blanchard has a home run with this course! Keith has reached an understanding of God and our relationship to the Divine to which few of us have come. Truly understanding that the Kingdom of God is within us (me) is a major step. Believing and acting on that understanding is a quantum leap. Keith has presented this in a way that anyone can understand. And if one allows, the fear that has been inculcated in all of us will dissipate with the turn of each page. Thank you, Keith, for a work well done!


Shan Plunk - Teacher of The Exponential Group

"The Divine Principle" and the "Do What You Love FOREVER" Course is truly inspiring and refreshing! This very important book and life-style allows people from a wide range of backgrounds to consider new perspectives, new doors, and new journeys to raise their consciousness in very unpretentious ways and it gives us permission to ponder the things that we knew deep down as children  were true!

The genuineness of Keith’s writings allows the casual observer an easily understood view of living and fitting into this co-created world.

Participating in this work is like living next door to God and having God answer questions without judgment. God is so personal and has been so private, and "The Divine Principle" and the "Do What You Love FOREVER" Course opens that door to talk about private thoughts openly and finally to be that which we a Divine!


La Don Jones - PhD, MSHA, RN

I highly recommend Keith Blanchard’s "The Divine Principle" and his "Do What You Love FOREVER" Course! In my opinion, this is a must because its insights and wisdom address life, love, and what’s going on in our world in a sometimes humorous and always easy-to-read way, heartwarming, way. Thank you, Keith, for bringing this wonderful work to the world!

Steve Lancaster - Pastor & Founder of The Happy Church Ministries

Keith’s book and course shows how his passion for life and his quest for answers have led him to an amazing experience with the Divine.

I know you will enjoy your journey into "The Divine Principle" and the "Do What You Love FOREVER" Course. A rich and rewarding adventure awaits you!

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