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"War of the Angels"

Michael Mullen was visited by an extraterrestrial being who pulled him from his body and into another world. The Alien Being told Mullen, "Do not write that (Indianapolis). Write this (War of the Angels)." For over forty years the Being pulled Mullen out of his body and to various spiritual realms and commanded Mullen to, "Write what you see." The accumulated results from those journeys are published in Mullen's latest book, "War of the Angels II: Allah. Because Mullen claims that his book was "Divinely Guided," it is sure to draw controversy. However, Mullen is a very credible source. Michael Mullen worked in the National Basketball Association for ten years, where he helped pioneer NBA franchises into the computer age. He was the first person to fully automate an NBA franchise. He was first to create a commercial basketball site on the world wide web when he designed and maintained the original site for Prodigy, and he managed an international cyberstaff of more than 200 volunteer sports reporters. He was recognized as the top computer analyst in professional basketball, and was acknowledged by the White House and the U.S. Senate.

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