"BE the Beings of ONENES and LOVE"
Patricia is co-founder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, which sponsors the...

"Platinum Psychic-Medium"
"I am a natural born Psychic-Medium with Native American ancestry. I provide expert metaphysical services for those in need of direction...

"Twin Flames & Soul Mates"
Show Title: "Twin-Flames and Soul Mates.” “It seems like with so many people shifting in consciousness, they are now energetically...
"Our True Home: Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness"
"One True Home: Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness.” Author Claire Candy Hough speaks about her new novel. ”One True Home – Behind the Veil...

"Jade Helm, Conscious Quantum Computers & Facebook Goal of Telepathy"
Jade Helm, Conscious quantum computers, facebook goal of telepathy, how we are studied through our interactions on social media, and how...

"So, You Say You Aren't Psychic. Let Us Prove Otherwise"
"We are all psychic. It is our Soul that we need to learn how to hear. I will walk everyone through exercises that I use in my teachings...

"Star People, Cosmic Updates & Light Language"
Vanessa says, "I am a visionary, ancient wisdoms teacher and healer, Reiki Master, musician and interdimensional channeler. I hold a ...

"Everything Angels"
The angels love to be in relationship with us. They see how scared and confused we can get and they long to guide us toward ease and...

"Energy Balancing Therapy For Hightly Senstive Children"
Niki Elliott, Ph.D. is a master energy therapist, speaker, author, and pioneer in the fields of energetic healing, education and...