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"Our True Home: Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness"

"One True Home: Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness.”

Author Claire Candy Hough speaks about her new novel. ”One True Home – Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness”, her practice and her Angelic Walk-In Experience in 2003.

As an Angel Practitioner, a Reiki Master/Teacher, International Radio Show Host, Clairvoyant, Inspirational Speaker, Writer and Author, Claire Candy Hough helps raise the consciousness of individuals. She established her business, ‘Angel Healing House’ in 2003, after her angelic Walk-In experience.

As a Healing Practitioner, Claire Candy helps her clients transform their lives physically and emotionally through Reiki, a form of energy medicine recognized and accepted by the National Institute of Health and World Health Organization. As an Angel Practitioner, she marries spiritual knowledge with very practical ways that people can live honoring, truthful lives and shine their authentic light to the world. And as a Divine radiant light, she helps others to reconnect to their Divine eternal natures.

After establishing a spiritual community of light on the Sunshine Coast in beautiful Queensland, Australia, she and her Twin-Flame husband Pete, followed the voice of the Divine and moved to the States in 2008. Living in Santa Barbara, Ca. from 2008- 2010, Claire Candy held presentations, workshops, and seminars in addition to her healing work. With her move to the Los Angeles area in 2010, Candy has brought her enthusiasm, passion and joy as she helps others to live authentic lives and manifest their dreams.

Known for her extraordinary ability to channel messages from the angelic realm, this straight-shooting and grounded Healing practitioner is loved and admired by her international clientele for the transformative effect that she has on their lives.

Through her business Angel Healing House, Candy is a published author, of the inspirational, channeled book, ‘Angels of Faith’, which is based on her two near-death experiences. Her professionally recorded, guided angel meditation CD, 'Letting Go of Concerns and Living in the NOW!" takes one on an angelic journey that helps bring peace, clarity and harmony to one’s life.

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