"Adopt A Thriving Mindset - Transform Your World"
Carmen M. Perez is a Lifestyle Expert and Mentor for Entrepreneurs, the author of “How to Be a Spiritual Girl in a Material World” to be...

"Wake Up Laughing ... Laughter Medicine, Awakening and the Great Upwising."
Steve Bhaerman is an internationally known author, humorist, and workshop leader. For more than 25 years, he has written and performed as...

"The Reappearance of The Christ"
This Center of Light Radio Christmas Special consists of information about the life of Jesus from my book, "The Divine Principle:...

John's new book: "When a middle-aged clinical psychologist begins working with a client describing bizarre mystical experiences, his own...

"Twin Flames & Soul Mates"
Show Title: "Twin-Flames and Soul Mates.” “It seems like with so many people shifting in consciousness, they are now energetically...

"The Divine Principle: R.P.M."
This show is packed with powerful, spiritual knowledge. It came about because of a guest cancellation and I needed someone to fill the...

"Edgar Cayce's Healing Stones and Past Life Regresssion"
Critically acclaimed gem healer and past-life regression therapist Dr. Shelley Kaehr will discuss her latest book, "Edgar Cayce's Sacred...

"Enlightenment or Bust"
September 21, 2015, on The Center of Light Radio Show my guest is Craig Villarrubia, and we will be discussing his new movie, "A Course...
"Our True Home: Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness"
"One True Home: Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness.” Author Claire Candy Hough speaks about her new novel. ”One True Home – Behind the Veil...

"How To Create a Hot, Happy, Harmonious Relationship That Thrives!"
Relationship and life coach, Luis Santiago, has been studying the dynamics of men and women for the last 20 years. In 2008, he began...