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"Edgar Cayce's Healing Stones and Past Life Regresssion"

Critically acclaimed gem healer and past-life regression therapist Dr. Shelley Kaehr will discuss her latest book, "Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones."

We'll talk to Shelley about how and why gem healing works, metaphysical properties of some of the stones in the book and what Edgar Cayce, the World's Greatest Psychic, said about stones and vibrations. Shelley will also talk about why she uses stones and other healing modalities with regression clients to make lasting change.

For over a decade Shelley Kaehr, Ph.D. has worked with thousands of individuals and groups around the world helping them achieve greater peace and happiness in their lives. Her work as a past life regression therapist has been endorsed by Dr. Brian Weiss who called her work, “An important contribution to the field of regression therapy.” Her critically acclaimed bestselling book on the subject, Lifestream, describes powerful past and future life journeys of her clients.

A native of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Shelley became widely known as one of the world’s leading authorities on energy healing and mind body medicine by using gems and minerals with her hypnosis clients. She believes our memories are stored holographically in the energetic fields surrounding our bodies, and by combining hypnosis with healing work, lasting change is achieved.

She has been featured on Coast to Coast AM, Canada’s X-Zone and William Shatner’s Weird or What and truly believes that everyone can leave the past behind to live happier lives. Shelley received her Ph.D. from the American Institute of Holistic Theology in 2001, and lives near Dallas, Texas.

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