"The Emergence of the World Teacher and the Promise of the Future"
Dick Larson is a counselor with a background in education, business, and communication. In addition to being a guest on radio talk shows...

"Aliens, Angels & Stuff"
Dr. Rita Louise is the founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics and the host of Just Energy Radio. She is a Naturopathic Physician...

"War of the Angels"
Michael Mullen was visited by an extraterrestrial being who pulled him from his body and into another world. The Alien Being told Mullen,...

"The Journey of Self-Discovery"
What is this journey of self-discovery? What does it mean? How does it happen and why? How do you know you are being prompted by your...

"BE the Beings of ONENES and LOVE"
Patricia is co-founder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, which sponsors the...

"The Reappearance of The Christ"
This Center of Light Radio Christmas Special consists of information about the life of Jesus from my book, "The Divine Principle:...

"Twin Flames & Soul Mates"
Show Title: "Twin-Flames and Soul Mates.” “It seems like with so many people shifting in consciousness, they are now energetically...

"Edgar Cayce's Healing Stones and Past Life Regresssion"
Critically acclaimed gem healer and past-life regression therapist Dr. Shelley Kaehr will discuss her latest book, "Edgar Cayce's Sacred...

"Orations: A Time of Unity"
"ORATIONS: A TIME OF UNITY." Cynthia Bacon is a Spiritual Teacher, Clinical Hypnotherapist in basic and advanced disease, Usui Reiki...
"Our True Home: Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness"
"One True Home: Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness.” Author Claire Candy Hough speaks about her new novel. ”One True Home – Behind the Veil...